
Many of the business owners we see are so busy getting on with running their business that they don’t have time to focus on their personal financial planning. Ensuring that this is addressed is as important as having a business plan and strategic plan. Financial planning for business owners needs to take account of the impact of the business on the personal situation and vice versa.

Meet Gary

Meet Gary, a sole trader who runs his own landscaping business. Gary is a hardworking bloke’s bloke and is married to Laura.  Gary is now a G3 client of three years and appreciates the value we add to his business.

Gary is successful in his own field and has the respect of peers. He runs a landscaping company.

Gary is a key staff member and employs 2 other staff. His wife helps with the paperwork and admin. Gary solicits all the new business and earns all of the household income. Laura is a qualified physiotherapist but is not currently working. He is not a big user of professional services. Gary gets busy and distracted. He focuses on work he has on right at that time and doesn’t feel he has much mental space to look forward.

Recently he saw a friend die with no protection and the family ended up losing everything. He is now worried about what would happen to his family if anything happened to him. He is fearful of a future without working and has recently realised he is doing reasonably well compared to his peers. He would like to take the business to the next level and his wife is on board with this. They are both hard working people.

  • Married to Laura 44
  • Owns own home and has a young family of three
  • Four year old twins and a baby
  • Business owner for seven years
  • Own their own home with a small mortgage
  • The home secures a working overdraft for the business
  • Have annual holidays in NZ and plan to travel overseas more as the children get older
  • Need safety and assurances about their future wealth
  • Need to plan for a future passive income
  • Need to make the most of current cash surpluses. “Make hay whilst the sun shines”
  • Does not want to make own investment decisions as does not know enough about it and is too busy to do this properly
  • Wants someone else to take this responsibility
  • Want their professional team to talk to each other
  • Wants to know his goals are achievable and what to do to achieve them
  • Value for money for the services used but would rather pay someone else to do the work
  • Wants benefits of solutions explained in plain English
  • Likes checklists and simple formats
  • Wants to trust those he deals with
  • Doesn’t want to worry about his future wealth or how his family would cope without him

We find business owners are typically:

  • Time poor
  • Magnificent multi-taskers
  • Very good at running their business but find they do not have much time to pay attention to personal wealth creation
  • Planning by the seat of their pants
  • Fire fighting in the business
  • Worried where the next dollar is coming from
  • Chasing new business constantly
  • Not budgeting as well as they could do
  • Not making best use of cash surplus
  • All their wealth is in their business
  • Working themselves too hard
  • Not paying attention to their own health and well being

How we can assist?

  • Arrange personal wealth and retirement planning
  • Assist with succession planning (how to pass on or exit the business)
  • Complete a risk management assessment and strategy
  • Help provide focus and direction
  • Create a plan for what they wish to achieve for themselves and their family and facilitate the process of implementing and monitoring the plan
  • Remove the worry of money
  • Save business owner’s time and money
  • Protect wealth
  • Make best advantage of cash surplus

Our Process


Our Services

All of our services can be provided separately as required. However we find in most situations our clients require their own particular combination. We follow the process pictured above to ensure we provide each client with exactly the service to suit circumstance and budget.

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    G3 has been working with us for both our company and personal finances. We have found G3 to be knowledgeable and passionate about service.
    They provide the right solutions for us and our staff through thorough research and recommendation.
    They are always available to discuss any queries and explain things in terms I understand.

    Greg and Robyn Jensen, Tauranga


    As a busy couple we had neither the time, experience or knowledge to be able to transfer our UK pensions over to NZ or to sort out a financial plan
    that would set us up for retirement. Thank goodness we found G3 Financial Freedom, their advice and guidance has been invaluable.

    Chris & Sheenagh Pritchard, Christchurch


    We have been delighted with the service and support we have received from Charlene and the team at G3.  
    We love the way they carefully analysed whattype of investors we are and helped us make decisions on long-termfinancial planning  based on our needs.

    Mike & Carolynne Masson, Omokoroa, Tauranga